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The Spring Festival的翻译

The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is the most important festival for all of us. It is a time when all family members gather together and celebrate. The Spring Festival usually falls in February, although sometimes it may occur in January. During this festive season, every family...

其中英语新年祝福Greetings and blessings for the new year...

英语翻译The spring festival是中国的传统节日

The Spring Festival is a traditional Chinese festival, just like Christmas in western countries. It is a festive season that welcomes the new year. On this day, all family members gather together. The Spring Festival usually takes place in February, although it may occur in January as well. During the Spring Festival, each family...


new year\'s day在什么时候用英语写?

你好!New Year\'s Day可以翻译为“新年的第一天”。在西方,New Year\'s Day通常指的是公历的1月1日。但是在中国,农历新年的第一天也可以称为New Year\'s Day。所以,具体是哪一天要根据是公历还是农历新年而定。

译文中的“new year\'s day”是指...

英语翻译The spring festival是中国的传统节日

The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is a traditional festival in China, just like Christmas in western countries. It is a time to welcome the new year and a day when family members gather together. The Spring Festival usually falls in February, although it may occur in January as well. During the Spring Festival...



The Chinese Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, and Mid-Autumn Festival are all important traditional festivals in China. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, people enjoy eating mooncakes while admiring the full moon. The moon on this day is believed to be the roundest and brightest in the whole year. After offering sacrifices to the moon...



The Spring Festival is celebrated on the first day of the first month in the lunar calendar. On Chinese New Year\'s Eve, families gather together to enjoy a meal and welcome the arrival of the new year. On the day of the Spring Festival, people visit their relatives and friends to exchange blessings and well wishes...


英语翻译The Spring Festival is an important festival in my country

The Spring Festival is an important festival in my country. Prior to the Spring Festival, which occurs a few days before the new year, people start preparing for the festivities. They clean their houses, hang up lanterns, buy New Year goods, get a haircut, and decorate their windows with paper-cuttings and couplets. On the evening before the Spring Festival, families...


英语翻译The lunar New Year always starts between January 21 to February 20

The lunar New Year always starts between January 21st to February 20th. On the eve of the new year, people clean their houses thoroughly. On the last day of the previous year, there is a family dinner where all the family members gather. Everyone except...



拜年用英语可以翻译为“Wish you a Happy New Year!”这是一句常用的祝福语。在中国,过年拜年是一个重要的传统习俗。人们互相拜年,表达新年的祝福和美好的期望。


The Spring Festival是几月几日?

The Spring Festival(中国新年、春节)是中国农历一月初一开始的。春节是中国传统农历新年,俗称新春、新岁、岁旦等,口头上又称过年、过大年。春节历时...
